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Intervention No.4 - Tuesday 14th May 2024
at Plymouth Arts Cinema, Plymouth

#NoticeThisTree imagines a world that is truly connected to the impact of loss and the spectre of extinction.  With this in mind we are creating a series of Interventions across the UK in response to the continuing loss – with a special focus on the loss of trees. In these Interventions we notice trees - a tree at risk, one that has already been felled, or a tree that we love.  We walk from a tree of our choice and connect with others before the screening of The Happy Man Tree documentary (dir. Katy McGahan, 75  mins, 12a).  Afterwards we reflect on our experience.


Throughout these interventions we seek insight, compassion and connection with everyone involved in the stories of our trees. 


Intervention No.4 took place at the Plymouth Arts Cinema, on 14th May as part

of Plymouth's Urban Tree Festival 2024 organised by Plymouth Tree People 

People walked from local trees and we lamented the loss of so many trees in Plymouth city centre last year - a disastrous episode which was bravely highlighted by the actions of STRAW. We also made art together, worked on our collaborative Mycelial Mundus Tapestry, and drank wine! The creative input from people we collaborated with was so beautiful. It was a such a memorable experience. Some strong connections were made. 


In keeping with our mycelial mode of practice we brought elements from the previous intervention/s and campaigns with us. Many of the artefacts which were made for the original Happy Man Tree campaign plus others, including some beautiful paintbrushes and markers made by Raffa Baldo - see photos below - who led the creative workshop at Mammoth - A Climate Action Cinema in Nottingham in April, were on display. Raffa generously donated these artefacts to the NoticeThisTree tour (see photos below). Check out Raffa's work on his instragram feed 


Plymouth Urban Tree Festival, Plymouth Tree  and Anna Navas, Manon le Tual and Sam Lyne of Plymouth Arts Cinema - Thank-you for inviting us!

Photos by Sabrina Mero, documentary photographer Instagram: @sabrinamero



art tools crafted by Raffa Baldo




An ever-evolving audiowork featuring the Armada Way Blackbird. As STRAW related, "Our famous Armada Way blackbird has been singing his heart out all week. The moment we served the injunction and the work stopped he was all we could hear".


The audio piece is played at each intervention in the auditorium as people enter. The work fuses sounds collected from the sites of various tree campaigns with the sounds of nature in and around the respective sites. Some clips are recorded and donated by people involved in tree campaigns and/or NoticeThisTree interventions. Thank-you!

Listen to the Plymouth version here



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