Intervention No. 2 on 29th February 2024
at Hackney Picturehouse
almost sold out with 110 people attending
#Noticethistree is a series of interventions about protest and loss across the UK
Intervention No.2 took place at Hackney Picturehouse cinema, East London. People connected with a tree that had some significance for them - either a tree that's currently under threat, an already felled tree, or a tree that they just felt a connection with - and then walked from that tree/s to the cinema where we shared stories, contributed to the Mycelium Mundus banner, and watched the Happy Man Tree film, directed by Katy McGahan. After the screening we reflected on the question 'what now'?

Watch video of Roll-Call of Trees
performed by @revoltingrosie here

Our ever-evolving Mycelial Mundus Tapestry is underway.
People will be invited to contribute to it at each intervention...

is all about the continuing loss of trees in our local areas
Hackney Picturehouse, 29th Februrary 2024
Trees are generally felt to be precious. We talk about the importance of saving the Amazon forest. But the numbers of trees being removed, here, in our own city of London, keep going up. For example:
In one small corner of Hackney around 100 trees have been cut down or are due to be felled as part of the Woodberry Down housing estate regeneration project phases 3 and 4. So, on the 29th February, we are inviting people to come together to ‘Notice This Tree’ in our 2nd Intervention. (You can see what happened in the1st Intervention here)
The invitation is in three parts:
Notice a tree at risk, a tree that has been lost – or simply one you love.
We invite you to walk from this tree in any way you choose, alone or
with others, to the Hackney Town Hall Square Mare Street E8 1ES, to
reach there at 6pm. Here there will be a public roll-call of trees
that have been recently lost or are at risk. Your tree(s) will join this roll call
and will be read out as part of this counting. Before hand, you are invited to join our WhatsApp group and connect with all the people who are organising walks from trees, to let others know if you have a tree in mind
to notice, and if you would like them to join your walk. WhatsApp invite link is here.
at 6.45pm we all move to the Picturehouse Cinema, 270
Mare St, London E8 1HE (opposite the square) to watch Katy McGahan’s documentary The Happy Man Tree (75mins, 12a). The central protagonist is one famous Hackney tree and the film charts the attempts on the part of Hackney locals to save it.
Watch the trailer here
Buy tickets to the screening here
What Now? After the screening you are invited to join a reflection about the impact of the loss of so many trees across Hackney and beyond. ​​