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Intervention No. 1 - 30th November 2023 
sold out with over 80 people attending

#Noticethistree is a series of interventions about protest and loss across the UK 



Intervention No.1 took place at Finsbury Park Picturehouse cinema, North London. People connected with a tree that had some significance for them - a tree under threat, or already felled, or a tree that they just felt a connection with - and then walked from that tree/s to the cinema where we told stories, contributed to a tapestry, and watched the Happy Man Tree film. Finally we met to reflect on the question 'what now'


Anchor 1
Photos by Sabrina Merolla

The Tree Walks

Walk 1: 62 Oakfield Road, Haringey, N4 4LD

Leaving at 5.15pm


People walked from this 120-year-old London plane tree in Oakfield Road.  This tree is at a very high risk of being lost due to insurance companies pressurising the council to fell it. There has been a long struggle to save it.


There has been so much coverage in the media about

this campaign, click here for more information


aviva notice on oakfield road tree_edite

Walk 2: St Anne's Hospital N15 3TH 


STaGS (Friends of St Anne’s Green Spaces)

STaGS walked from St. Ann's Hospital, St Ann's Rd, London, N15 3TH

50% of the beautiful trees in St Ann's Hospital aboretum have been targeted for felling by a housing developer. 


More information about the campaign to save the St Anne's trees here

Watch Jo Syz's short video about the campaign here









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Walk 3: 34a Lordship Park N16

One person decided to walk from this tree near to where
she lives in Stoke Newington.

Walk 4: 42 Ferme Park Road. N4 4ED

Hello. My name is Lorie Jo. This is my tree. It’s an old oak tree and is at the back of my next door neighbours garden. I’ve spent along time with it. In its presence. 

5:  Woodberry Down, N16 5EA

Didi walked from this tree on her estate  at N16 5EA. The council thought it was 'leaning over too much' so had identified it as a tree to be cut down. A conversation was initiated and an arboricultural report carried out and the tree was saved. A happy ending!

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Walk 6: Woodberry Down Estate, N4

Alejandra  & Jo were  on Woodberry Down, to stand with/call-in 12 of the 41 threatened trees between Knaresborough House & Leighfield House N4 2TS 

There are around 40 trees due to be felled in phase 4 of the Woodberry Down Estate development by Berkeley Homes. This is the same development and the same developer who (with their partner Hackney Council) felled the Happy Man Tree in phase 3. People are welcome to come and wander around  these  trees: 
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Walk 7: Amhurst Park, N16

Jo walked  from a  Plane Tree in Amhurst Park. This turned into a very painful  walk with the loss of a very special tree within the 24 hours between planning the walk and setting off. By the time she arrived at the tree it had been felled. 

Walk 8: Woodberry Grove, N4

Alejandra, Geri, Yas and Charlie the dog, walked from the site of The Happy Man Tree in Woodberry Down. 

Walk 9:  Lordship Road N16
Kay walked from a tree on Lordship Road, Stoke Newington.

I walked from an ash tree which leans right across Lordship road from the gardens of numbers 82/84. It shows no sign of dieback. It has thrown up a small group of suckers in the garden of 84. We think it is 80 to 100 years old

Walk 10: St Mary Magdalene Gardens, N7
Katy and Colette walked from a magnificent London Plane tree located in St Mary Magdalene Gardens, Highbury, where some of the Plane trees potentially date from the 17th century. They set off later than everyone else hance it was a bit dark!
For more information on the magnificent Plane trees in this park click here 

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