Intervention No.7 - Saturday 18th January 2025
at the Showroom Cinema, Sheffield

#Noticethistree is a series of interventions about protest and loss across the UK
On Saturday 18th January 2025, people came together to ‘Notice This Tree’ in our 7th Intervention at the Showroom Cinema, Sheffield.
#Noticethistree is a series of interventions about protest and loss across the UK
On Saturday 18th January 2025, we are inviting people to come together to ‘Notice This Tree’ in our 7th Intervention at
the Showroom Cinema, Sheffield
(You can see what happened in a previous Intervention here)
The Intervention is in three parts:
We invite you to walk from a tree of your choice in any way you choose, alone or with others, to arrive at around 1.45pm at the Showroom Cinema, Sheffield, S1 2BX. It could be a tree at risk, or one that has been lost – or simply one you love.
​​Information about the event and confirmed walks will be posted on the NoticeThisTree Whassap group. Join group here
See confirmed walks (To be updated)
Check the NoticeThisTree map to see which Sheffield trees people have already pinned and/or pin your own tree here
(Click here for an instructional video to show you how to add a tree to the map)
See which trees others are walking from (to be updated)
At 1.45pm we meet at the Showroom Cinema. Here we invite people to contribute to our ever-evolving Mycelium Mundus tapestry and a participatory painting workshop; share stories of trees; and listen to an ever-evolving created audio work which will play as people enter the auditorium to watch Katy McGahan’s film The Happy Man Tree (75mins, 12a) starting at 2.30pm. The central protagonist of the film is a Hackney street tree and the film charts the attempts on the part of the local community to save it from developers.
Watch the trailer here
Buy tickets to the screening here
After the screening you are invited to join a reflection on the issues that the film raises including the impact of the loss of mature trees and other natural landmarks
in towns and cities across the UK. Here we ask the questions: Where Now?
What Next?'

Heartwood, by Robert McFarlane
"A tree’s heartwood is its innermost core. I wrote this poem (song, charm-against-harm) for any tree anywhere in the world that faces unjust felling - and especially for the street trees of Sheffield, which as many of you will know have been felled in their thousands over recent years".
#NoticeThisTree: Intervention No. 7 in Sheffield
Saturday 18th January 2025, at the Showroom Cinema
Walk from trees and meet at the Showroom (1.45pm)
The Happy Man Tree film screening (2.30pm)​​​
Reflection on film and issues it raises (3.45pm - 4.30pm)
Press Release: For Immediate Release
#NoticeThisTree imagines a world that is truly connected to the impact of loss and the spectre of extinction. With this in mind we have created a series of Interventions across the UK in response to this continuing loss – with a special focus on the loss
of trees. (You can see what happened in a previous Intervention here)
In these Interventions we notice trees - a tree at risk, one that has already been felled, or a tree that we love. We walk from a tree (or trees) of our choice and connect with others before the screening of The Happy Man Tree documentary
(Katy McGahan, 75 mins, 12a). Afterwards we reflect on our experience, and consider the questions ‘Where now? What next?’ and ‘How shall we live going forward?
Intervention #7 takes place in Sheffield on 18th January 2025. People are invited
to notice a tree and to walk from their tree to the Showroom Cinema where people will gather from 1.45pm.​ Here there will be the possibility of adding to the Mycelium Mundus tapestry which has already been contributed to by 100s of people from different UK cities. Similarly, Katy McGahan's ongoing My-ce-My-ce audio work is added to at each intervention. Sounds are collected from the area around the trees – natural sounds, stories, and the general ambience - and played in the auditorium as people enter.
The screening of the documentary ‘The Happy Man Tree’ will be at 2.30pm
Losing a tree hurts and it’s difficult to avoid the blame game when one you love is
at risk, but here we’re more interested in dialogue – a dialogue we surely all
need – about how to look after and value our natural environment - and ourselves - in it. Throughout these interventions we seek insight, compassion and connection with everyone involved in the stories of our trees. After the film screening there will be a reflection in the form of a sharing forum.
Notes to editors
#noticethistree is brought by members of the community who tried to save a London Plane Tree known as the Happy Man Tree (England’s tree of the year 2020)
Watch the trailer here
Buy tickets to the screening here
Details of previous interventions (Hackney, Haringey, Nottingham, Plymouth, Brighton) and Intervention #7 details
Check our map to see which Sheffield trees people have pinned and/or pin your own tree here
WhatsApp link to join the tree walks and sharing tree information is here
Contact 07767317382​
​​For "The Happy Man Tree" film enquiries:
Planet Tuesday Films: